
Korine: I feel documentary always falls short. I think cinema verite is a fallacy, that the documentary is manipulated, there's no such thing as truth in film. The idea that Godard said about 24 frames of truth, was always for me the ultimate lie. It's just 24 frames of lies. But the best cinema to me works on a kind of theoretical level where it's 24 frames of sort of truth. For me, being a writer and an artist and a viewer, the only thing I'm interested in is realism. If it's not presented to me in a way that's real, with real consequences, real characters, I have no desire to see it, because then it's fake. It's a cartoon, and I just don't care about that stuff. But at the same time, in this ultimate search for truth, for realism, I know it's impossible to attain, so what do you do? It's like GUMMO, people say, 'Oh! My God, it's got no script.' And there's a total script. But that's what it is, a trick. Everything is presented as if it's real, I'm manipulating everything.